Wlliam Gilmore Simms
Scrapbook F (Part II) >> Scrapbook F (Part II) >> [Page 213]

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          William Gilmore Simms's collection of scrapbooks represents one of the most significant, but least accessible, resources for the study of the writer. Housed as a part of the Charles Carroll Simms collection in the South Caroliniana Library at the University of South Carolina, there are nine volumes of scrapbooks, each comprised of works of numerous genres from throughout Simms's career.[1] While the majority of the included works are Simms's own, the scrapbooks also features writings by others, as well as works of uncertain authorship. Prior to digitizing these volumes, access to them and their scholarly possibilities was exceptionally limited. Interested researchers would need to travel to the South Caroliniana Library, and, before the publication of John C. Guild's Simms: A Literary Life in 1992, these volumes, like the Charles Carroll Simms collection generally, were off-limits to all but a select group of scholars. As these works provide a wealth of information for researchers interested both in Simms and nineteenth-century political and literary culture, the work of creating digital surrogates for this significant collection meets an important scholarly need, and adds another level of archival depth to the Simms project.
